Voice of Specially Abled People is a proud partner, team of volunteers with The Indo American Community of West Coast to Welcome and host Modi ji to California. All of our volunteers are looking forward to witness the historic moment in California of such a large community gathering to Welcome their PM on Sep 27 2015.
Last year in NY, we shared our Vision of Accessible India Campaign with Modi ji and his team and within 1 year, it is all worked out to launch this campaign – countrywide to bring in social transformation, create inclusive and Accessible Indian society.
Our Voice of SAP volunteers, registered on the website www.voiceofsap.org are encouraged to send th333333eir request for obtaining FREE PASS for attending this event CODE for individual registration at pmvisit@voiceofsap.org. Our team will send you further instructions to your email.
Note: Passes are very limited and registration does not guarantee issue of pass as it will undergo multiple rounds of verification and allotment process by IACWC. Once fully verified and allotted, Voice of SAP will obtain your physical pass.
You must complete registration on http://www.pmmodiinCA.org/register as soon as possible. It will close by Aug 25 at 11:59 PM PST. Send us your email and we will send the code to you for the registration.
Let us all come together from across the US and we will collectively be able to send strong message that Voice of SAP’s US volunteers are committed to bring in their thought leadership and resources to CHANGE INDIA, Empower 70 million plus Specially Abled People of India, working together with Modi ji and his team.