VOSAP granted a “Special Consultative Status” with UN ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council).
- 12th conference of 178 countries/state parties (COSP12) for UN CRPD (Convention of Rights of Persons with Disabilities) was attended by VOSAP founder along with 2 volunteers in NY at United Nations Headquarters. Feeling very optimistic with every nation sharing their achievement and initiative to mainstream Specially Abled People.
- VOSAP delivered 3 minute statement during COSP12 (here is link –
- ), explaining its mission, VOSAP app, Developing country model etc. It was also shared, discussed with Ambassador, Dy Secretary and similar high ranking representatives at UN from Govt. of Canada, Qatar, Malaysia, Burkina Faso (West Africa) and other several representatives of global NGOs working in disability sector. VOSAP, as accredited disability NGO of UN CRPD has demonstrated commitment to create global community to support PwD/SAP.
- VOSAP team witnessed India’s statement at UN CRPD, made by Secretary, Department of Empowerment of PwD, MSJE, Govt of India, Mrs Shakuntala Gamlin. India conducted unprecedented “Accessible and Inclusive” elections across the country and it was greatly appreciated. In the UN statement, India also emphasized on rehabilitation of children below age of 6 to improve on learning disabilities.. VOSAP is proud of several such initiatives taken by compassionate leadership in India.
- VOSAP team (Founder Pranav, Manushree and Shivam) also met with Dr Akiko Ito, Chief of Secretariat at United Nations for disability (CRPD).
VOSAP Founder Pranav Desai with Dr Akiko Ito, Chief of Disability at UN (Chief of Secretariat at UN CRPD)