VoSAP team met H’ble CM of Gujarat, made power point presentation on our proposals to make Gujarat as # 1 state in India when it comes to quality of life for Divyang. The meeting continued for 30 minutes.
Very happy to share that H’ble CM immediately asked VoSAP team exactly what we need to do with aggressive timeline to complete the tasks – for example creating Disability Policy for Gujarat, Implementation Roadmap and many other tasks given to VoSAP.
VoSAP team is highly motivated to work with assigned SPOC in CMO and Ministry of SJE. THANK YOU VERY MUCH H’ble CM, Shri Vijaybhai.
Highlights of what was discussed with H’ble CM on Dec 3 2016.
VoSAP Vision for Gujarat: To work with Govt. of Gujarat to develop it as a role model state in India for adopting and implementing initiatives for creating “Divyang Friendly”, Inclusive Society
Suggested High level initiatives:
- Prepare and adopt Comprehensive Disability Policy
- Adopt “District Development Template” to be implemented across 30 districts
- Workshop with MLAs and Collectors for sensitization and joining the efforts of Social Transformation that H’ble PM Shri Modi ji has started
- Enable role of Commissioner of Disability, who is dedicated to realize the Vision for Divyang by H’ble PM and H’ble CM
- RTE – portal for digital, audio, video content development, delivery and compliance
- Electronic Training of Key personnel to handle Divyang in their job – IAS, Judges, police, DDO etc.
- Allocate 10% of CSR funds of Govt. of Gujarat companies for the projects in Disability sector
- Budget provision for Accessible India Campaign and retrofitting of Govt. of Gujarat offices, bus stations and other key buildings
- Notification by finance ministry to link subsidy etc. Govt. o Gujarat benefits to Accessibility and Employment of SAP (Divyang) of minimum 3%
- Focused efforts to employ 4% of Divyang workforce – it should be mandatory
Kalpesh Chaudhary
Hope Govt will not use paid auditors etc…. we belive it may be as a social campaign..