VOSAP has implemented a Subsidy Model with its Exhibitor and Partner We Hear to enable Children with Hearing Impairment with innovative hearing aids with bone conduction technology.
The process of identifying beneficiaries, their evaluation of hearing and speech, training them to use the device and checking their progress from time to time is all reported in detail by our Partner and AT Exhibitor WeHear. VOSAP team also verified all documents and talks to applicants to provide final approvals. WeHear then configures each device per each applicant profile of their Decibel level.
On December 17,2022 VOSAP enabled 105 Hearing Impaired Children of Lunawada, Mahisagar District of Gujarat. There is a similar such mass event in Godhra for another 105 children on Feb 17 2023. Vadodara and Surat are the next 2 districts. We have a database of 5,000 such children in Gujarat state alone who need this assistive device based on their medical evaluation.
In the month of February, 2023, we received the first progress report of these Children and it is important to note that we were able to see the improvement in hearing and ability to start speaking.
The Standard Operating Process by WeHear follows below steps:
1. Communication with Government : Firstly, the We Hear team communicates, reaching out to the government Officials to identify the HI Children in the Region. It involves following steps:
- Meeting with DPEO/ IED coordinator
- Collect Data of HI Child
- Conduct Primary Test on 5 Kids
- Planning for Assessment Camp
2. Conducting Test Camps
- As per the planning schedule, the testing camp is held at the BRC Bhavan of the taluka of the district. The WeHear team goes there and does the testing.
- The team from WeHear consists of two volunteers per team, organized according to the number of children.
3. HI Kid Assessment Process:
- Data Gathered
- Children Details: Name,Age, UDISE Number, Adhaar Card, Audiogram Report
- Special Educators: Name, Email
- Family Details: Parents Name, Contact Number, Occupation, Any Disability.
- We Hear Device Assessment
- Phone Audio Test
- HearNU Watch Test
- If Hearing Report Available, Programing of the device and testing is done.
- Assessment Result: Post the Assessment of the HI Children, a result report is made by collecting data that contains following details:
- Music Response in DB
- HearNU Response DB
- By Reaction Contact
- His/her Confirmation
- By Audiogram Report
4. Assessment Summary
- Each Beneficiary Testing Time takes 10 to 12 Minutes
- Test is Conducted in Presence of Special Educator assigned by the government, Parents / Guardian, WeHear Team Expert
- Average Positive Response of HearNU – 78.88%
- Information of HearNU Device is provided to all special educators and BRC coordinators
5. BRC (Block Resource Centre) Level Report
- Block Resource Centres (BRCs) are established in each block of every district under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan to conduct in-service teacher training and to provide academic support to teachers and schools on a regular basis, and help in community mobilization activities.
- After testing of all the beneficiaries for the region, a BRC Level Report is made which is signed as confirmation by the BRC Coordinator approving the assessment of beneficiaries done.
6. District Level Report
- After the testing camps are completed at a district level report is generated.
- This report includes a summary of all taluka with the data of HI children and response of HearNU device on them.
- This report is shared with all the stakeholders including government of Gujarat, Samagr Siksha, Indian Red Cross Society and all the NGO partners.
7. VOSAP selects and approves final list of beneficiaries: VOSAP provides WeHear device to child between age of 5 to 10 with decibel level above 75 per test conducted and prioritize for Conductive and Mixed hearing loss showing “severe” and “profound” level of hearing loss per income criteria
8. VOSAP Enablement Camp
A Donation Camp is organized in coordination with VOSAP where approved beneficiaries by VOSAP receive the Device. At Lunawada, 106 beneficiaries were enabled in presence of the Collector of Mahisagar, VOSAP Team, Special Educators of all the HI Children and We Hear Team
9. Followup of Beneficiary and Analysis Report:
After the Beneficiary receives the device, a follow up is done by the WeHear Team from time to time to check the progress of the Child.
- An Analysis report is made which Includes details of Hearing and Speech Progress of each child, Video of a Child.
The Analytics are defined as per following on the report:
Beneficiary Stories:
Kevya Panchal
Kevya Panchal has hearing impairment and lives in Khanpur area of Mahisagar. He received the device from Voice of SAP at Lunawada on December 17, 2022. Kevya has Bilateral Moderate Sensorineural Hearing Loss – 76% In conversation with his father we learnt that Kevya’s condition has improved since he started wearing the device and he is responding when we talk, can hear better compared to earlier and has also started speaking words. Kevya’s parents and special educators had been trained to help him use the device correctly. See the Video here.
Aryan Mehra
Aryan Mehra lives in Gadhavda Village of Balasinor Taluka in Mahisagar District. His Father is a Mason. Aryan has sensorineural 60% hearing loss in both ears. In Conversation with his Father we learnt that he is able to hear and speak compared to before he received the device. His parents help him practice words. If we call out his name loudly, he is able to respond now.
We will soon share more stories with you….