Press Release
Voice of SAP team met with H’ble CM of Gujarat, Smt Anandiben to advance the agenda of Empowering The Specially Abled People (SAP) in state of Gujarat
Gandhinagar (8th April, 2015): Voice of SAP delegation, led by Shri Pranavbhai Desai along with Shri P. K. Laheri, Shri Rohitbhai Shah and Shri Nitinbhai Oza, met with H’ble Chief Minister of Gujarat, Smt. Anandiben Patel to discuss how to make Gujarat, a leading state in terms of disability friendly environment, policies etc. Shri Pranavbhai is founder of international volunteer organization, voiceofsap.org. His vision 2020 seeks Empowerment of SAPs.
Shri Pranavbhai Desai has proposed several initiatives on behalf of Voice of SAP, like Retrofitting Govt. buildings for accessibility (ramps, lift, accessible toilets etc.) in a phased manner, develop incentive policy for inviting Assistive Technology companies to Gujarat under “Make in India”, Top Down focus on creating “Inclusive Society”, update syllabus in school for understanding disability and better social acceptance, update engineering and architecture curriculum to ensure inclusive professional skills are imparted, special drive with health department on prevention of disability and related training etc., enforcement of the provisions of the new RPWD bill once it becomes law, fill out 3% reserved jobs by investing into training of SAPs, spread awareness related to Empowerment of SAPs among MLAs, IAS officers, collectors and upgrade mass transportation vehicles, bus stations for accessibility.
H’ble CM has been very supportive for the cause and asked voice of SAP team to study in detail in 4-5 key ministries and provide recommendations. Once these proposed initiatives are fully implemented, Gujarat will become proud inclusive society for the Specially Abled People.
Volunteers of Voice of SAP have already started working on these initiatives at “Dev Bhoomi Dwarka” District. Voice of SAP’s local leader Shri Chandrashekhar Buddhbhatti, national leader Shri Lalithkumar Gujarati and the District Collector of Dev Bhoomi Dwarka, Shri R.J.Makadia have prepared a 36 point “Sankalp Patra” with guidance and endorsement of Shri Pranavbhai Desai. In next couple of months, it is expected to get wider acceptance and refinement by elected leaders of the district such as H’ble MP Smt Poonamben Madam, local MLAs, Head of District, local industries (CSR funds) and other stakeholders to make Dev Bhoomi Dwarka, a model district for others to follow its template.
Ashok Gondalia
A very good step …A Beginning