Assistive Tech Products
Virtual Exhibition, open 24×7, Globally
Learn about these products, services and EARN points to WIN the prizes!
Dear Friends,
The VOSAP AT exhibition has started helping people with disabilities with suitable product and solutions available.
- Chetan (hearing impairment) is going to Russia to participate in International Art Contest and his fans are now discussing with Translatelive team to help him communicate
- Sneha with mobility impairment reached out to Indent to buy battery operated wheelchair
- School from Belgavi has requested for Torch-it (smart cane) so VOSAP is working to help those visually impaired students in Belgavi!
- KIBO mobile app is widely used by visually impaired and its users from BPA reported that for pdf reading in english, it is the best solution in the market!
- VOSAP is working with Inali for providing Roboarm to 100 identified SAP in Varanasi
- with Neomotion to promote economic activties by partially funding thier innovative mobility solution.
- Our exhibitor Dextroware launched their wearable device (head mouse) recently and leveraged VOSAP platform.
Our innovative exhibitors are true heroes who have dedicated their years of efforts to bring amazing solutions to help SAP! VOSAP has started receiving proposals for investing into these innovative AT startups and we are looking forward to connect them with donors, investors, business partners in the US, India.
Would you like to learn more? Watch the video about all exhibitors.
–> Most of your login with VOSAP Exhibitio should work with your email ID registered with us. If not, it takes less than 1 minute to register and login to virtual AT Exhibition – events.voiceofsap.org
–> Maximize your points by visiting every booth, watching vdo of AT products, downloading documents etc. and get on “Leadership Board” to win prizes!!! Contest will end by March 31 2022!
–> We have been adding amazing new innovators also so keep coming back, ask questions to exhibitors, schedule vdo calls for demo too!
Keep sharing your inputs, spreading awareness of this virtual exhibition, open 24×7 basis to help as many people and families as we can!!!!