VOSAP Art from Heart is an International Art contest with theme of DISABILITY. The registration closes on Jul 31 2020 and then 1 more month to submit the creative artwork – online. VOSAP expects 2,500 participants from around the world (so far 1,500+ participants from 23 countries registered!) to present their beautiful creativity on subject of DISABILITY, giving profound messages on disability.
To evaluate artwork of these amazing, compassionate artists, VOSAP has inspired 9 world renowned artists, art curators to volunteer as a Judge to find the best messages, paintings in 5 categories of participants with special recognition of Specially Abled Artists.
4 judges are from the US, 4 from India and 1 from UK. Each judge has very inspiring profile for aspiring and professional artists to present best of their talent!
- Amanda and Gloria are muralist, artists and have served as jury on many international competitions.
- Dr Debashish Banerji has PhD from UCLA in History of Art. He is art curator, professor at CIIS, San Francisco
- Charan Sharma from Mumbai is a contemporary artist, known for recreating the meditative magic of iconic figures of Budhha & monks
- Dr Datta Kamakar has PhD and professor and known for his research work – Pricing of Indian creative Paintings
- Bakulesh Joshi (Reliance Art Gallery), Bhavin Kothari (National Institute of Design, India), Vaidehi Parekh (Art teacher in Silicon Valley) and Zahir Shaikh from Derby, UK (Artistic Director at Artcore) have been serving the art field for past 25+ years.
Kartick Chandra Dinda
I have done your registration step 1 and, step 2 entry from and filed up corectly and put up details information and upload my art work and art concept biodata and total information so you send me mail box what am i filled my work title,artwork concept medium etc??? So what am i do???your gogle from what am i seeing the entry from filled this registration as well as corect or nor?????? Plrase help me and what am i do now???
Venus Sanghvi
Hello ,
I have submitted my work an dimage but my artist statement, i was not able to write more than few words as it did not accept online on your website
All the required fields were dully filled except for artist statement.
How do I send it across to you?
Venus Sanghvi