Sep 17 2016 has become a historic day in India’s Social Transformation journey for Specially Abled People called “Divyang-jan” by our H’ble PM Shri Modi ji. Here is why.
- Social inclusion and sensitivity to SAP has been initiated FIRST time in India at PM level with a scale that every citizen, politicians and Govt. officers will now align to the passion, commitment and action of our PM, celebrating his birthday with 11,000 Divyang jan
- Over 11,000 SAP received Assistive Devices, step forward Independent living, Empowerment – historic camp where this large population was Empowered
- Profound speech with clear message of H’ble PM to everyone that Accessible infrastructure, Equal treatment of SAP should be integral part of our society
VoSAP also joined the celebrations and witnessed this historic moment by having VoSP booth served by passionate volunteers. We thank H’ble Cabinet Minister, MSJE, Shri Gehlot ji to come to VoSAP booth and encourage our volunteers.
We also thank Collector Shri Ravi Arora ji, MP Shri C. R. Patil ji and JS, MSJE Shri Awasthi ji for supporting VoSAP.
Great job done by lead volunteer of VoSAP Shri Kalpeshbhai and entire team under guidance of Shri Bhushan Punani ji, BPA.