Newsletter Highlights
- 3rd time, VOSAP delivers statement at UN during CSW66.
- VOSAP inspired Beyond Codes to hire 10% Vacancies (113 jobs) PwD.
- VOSAP launches Subsidy Programs to enable PwD with assistivedevices.
- VOSAP enables 54 Visually Impaired Students with Smartcanes.
- VOSAP Research Internship 2022 (VRI2022) is launched.
- Important Days observed by VOSAP in March 2022
Dear Friends,
We have many noteworthy activities happening in the US and India by VOSAPians. Please read, get inspired and share your thoughts with us as how you can also contribute to our global mission at VOSAP.
- 3rd time, VOSAP delivers statement at UN
VOSAP UN CSW66VOSAP being an Organization having Special Consultative Status with UN ECOSOC, is invited to present its views at UN conferences. 3rd time, VOSAP was selected in last 4 years to present its strong advocacy view point about women with Disabilities at United Nations 66th Conference on Status of Women.
This year, VOSAP was selected for presenting Oral Statement at The 66th session of the Commission on the Status of Women to Representatives of Member States, UN entities, and ECOSOC-accredited non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from all regions of the world. The session took place on March 24.The theme for the session was “Achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls in the context of climate change, environmental and disaster risk reduction policies and programmes”
Manushri Desai, Co-Founder, VOSAP Collegiate submitted the Oral Statement for the session. Check out the Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Reb1v9dsVJ0
- VOSAP Employment
VOSAP virtual platform for employment of Specially Abled People (PwD) provides access to hundreds of job opportunities available from VOSAP’s partner organizations.
Beyond Codes is a leading Demand Generation company with presence across Geographies, Verticals & Horizontals and is a Global Partner to 9 of the Top 12 IT Companies, 32 of the Top 50 Tier 2 IT/BPS Companies, and 40 SMEs and Product Companies.
Beyond Codes has provided 113 vacancies as part of Inclusive Hiring with Voice of SAP to enable PwD with employment Opportunities.
As part of hiring strategy, Beyond Codes management has opened these positions and will continue hiring till Dec 2022 to ensure achieving this Inclusive Hiring goal. Beyond Codes will also provide training to selected PwD. Remote, work from home option is available for these jobs. Offices are also accessible in case selected PwD wants to work in the Chandigarh office. Apply at: https://www.voiceofsap.org/jobs
VOSAP Enablement:
Launch of Subsidy Programs:
Voice of SAP has launched a Subsidy program for people with disabilities to get assistive devices. The applications can be filled here
Power wheelchair of Indent:
Eligible Specially Abled People will now be able to receive special discount and subsidy on Ibex, Electric Wheelchair, ‘Made in India’ by Indent Designs for Indian Terrains and provides ease of service and maintenance in the long run. Reach to Indent at https://forms.gle/43xgRkVaYTEKjypQ9.
Specially Abled People will now be able to receive 20% discount and Rs 7,000 in subsidy on Mouseware (Wearable head device) by Dextroware Devices. Mouseware is a headset which works easily on bluetooth and allows users to operate computers to have hands free navigation and typing,etc.
Kibo App:VOSAP launched Subsidy on 13th March during a Webinar to help visually impaired for 3 year mobile app KIBO subscription, KIBO app is a suite of products for Visually Impaired. Essentially it helps read images, hand-writings, translate into 50+ Indian languages and lot more. It is used by 50,000+ blind people.
VOSAP enables 54 Visually Impaired Students with Smartcanes
Enablement of VI studentsContinuing to expand the impact in Rural India, On 29 March, VOSAP enabled 54 Visually Impaired students of The Maheshwari School for the Blind with Torch-it Smartcanes ‘Saarthi’.
The Secretary and Trustees of The Belgaum District Association for the Blind, Maheshwari School, and Director of USN College, were present at the event. Shri Gurusiddha Swamiji (Karnjimath, Belgavi) joined the event.
Girish Savvasheri (Secretary, APH) and Raghuvendra Anvekar (President, APH) joined the event to mark Voice of SAP’s presence. Shri Raghuvendraji delivered the speech about Voice of SAP during this event.
We are grateful to our Volunteers like Vijay ji from Bay Area, US who took this mission of Voice of SAP to his hometown and lead the way to helping the SAPs.
Youth Engagement: Launch of VRI 2022:
Encouraged by the success of the VOSAP Research Internship 2020 and 2021, we are happy to announce the launch of VRI Summer 2022. VOSAP interns will work closely with experts and leaders in the disability rights movement to produce quality research for advocacy.
So Far 75 interns of VRI 2020 and 2021 from 20+ Universities have completed research projects.
Applications for VRI 2022 are open until April 24. There are 3 disability related research projects for this summer 2022 internship and 4 different internship roles and responsibilities.
Check out the details of the project and application form at https://www.voiceofsap.org/vri2022/
Key Dates related to Disability in Mar, Apr and May:
Applications for VRI 2022 are open until April 24.
March 1: International Wheelchair Day
March 3: World Hearing Day
March 8 : International Women’s Day
March 21 : World Down Syndrome Day
March 25 : U.S. National Cerebral Palsy Awareness day
April: Autism Acceptance Month
April 2 : World Autism Awareness Day (United Nations)
May: Mobility Awareness Month
May 19: Global Accessibility Awareness Day
May 4 – May 10: Deaf Awareness Week
May 30: World Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Day