शतम् जीवेम शरदः
Our honourable and beloved Prime Minister “Shri Narendra Modi ji”,
On your birthday, we pray to God to bless you with a long and healthy life.
We celebrated your birthday by enabling 100 divyangjans with Assisted Devices.
Under your guidance and inspiration we remain determined to work for inclusion of millions of Specially Abled People
VOSAP, a leading not-for-profit organization in the field of disability, commemorated Honorable PM Modi’s birthday by enabling 100+ ‘divyangjan’
On September 16, SAP’s in Botad were enabled with Assistive Devices such as Sewing Machine, Tricycle, Hearing Aid, wheelchair and Smartphones. Hon. Prohibition Officer Vasantben Bagdaji joined the event as Chief Guest. Shri Kamlesh Chauhan, Director, Logic Rain company and our Donor joined the event as Guest of Honour. Rohitbhai Shah, VOSAP Advisor and Executive Team Members Ashish Deliwala, Kalpesh Shah also graced the event with their presence.
An event was organized at NFBM Education Complex, Pune on 17th September 2022. The event was aimed at enabling visually impaired students with assistive and enabling devices like Smartcane and Smartphone. These assistive devices were distributed among visually impaired students of Jagriti School, Pune.Brigadier Vijay Prabhu, Vishistha Seva Medal Awardee, was the chief guest who honored the event with his presence. Wing Commander V.K. Kala (Retd.) also joined the event and became the testimonial for the event which gave wings to the dreams of more than 50 students with visual impairment.
Here’s the short video of Students singing Happy Birthday for our Beloved Modiji.