Voice of SAP advocacy efforts have helped drive several transformative outcomes in last 5 years in India.
India has changed a lot in last 5 years under the current Govt. of India, under the compassionate leadership of H’ble PM with much more awareness, new law, rules, policy and initiatives to Empower its 70 MN Persons with Disabilities. It has become a role model for many developing countries who can adopt these initiatives to Empower their Specially Abled People.
Voice of SAP will like to share the data with 7,500+ global registered volunteers and others who are committed to mainstream 70 MN people in India, considered as disabled/PwD/SAP. Voice of SAP will like to inspire everyone with this data so that we all can see the unprecedented momentum, which started in 2014, continues to transform many lives.
India is going for general elections so it is very important to know and then reach out to all, inspire everyone with this “FIRST TIME EVER” data points so it helps the cause of Empowering SAP.
1. Ruling party in India gave 7 transformative manifesto commitments to Specially Abled People, which became stated goals of the Govt of India in 2014
2. Nationwide launch of “Accessible India Campaign” – several initiatives started on accessibility provisions, latest being accessible elections
3. Launch of Online application for Universal ID (UDID) card for PwD/ Divyangjan – countrywide acceptance
4. Govt. of India organized 7,800+ camps to Empower SAP by distributing assistive devices to 1.2 million Persons with Disabilities
5. Universal Accessibility Standards published by Ministry of Urban Development, GOI
6. Launch of “Sugamya Pustakalay” – thousands of digital and audio books for Visually impaired
7. Disability Rights Bill – RPD ACT 2016 approved in 1 month after PMO approval to Cabinet, Rajya Sabha, Lok Sabha, President approval and published in Gazette- Nov 28 to Dec 28 2016!!
8. Prime Minister of India stated that “Specially Abled Child is responsibility of a Nation”, gave new identity – “Divyang” to mainstream, reduce social stigma and give dignity to PwD
9. Under new law, 21 type of disabilities covered (earlier law had only 7 types of disabilities)
10. Under new law, 4% reservation for PwD in Govt. jobs, 5% for admission to colleges
11. Employer Incentives of EPF and ESI cost (approx. 15% of salary) to be paid by Govt of India for 10 years
12. 500 Railway stations, new trains etc. per accessibility standards with lift, ramp etc.
13. H’ble Prime Minister of India celebrated his birthday with 11,000 PwD/Divyangjan
14. Every girl child will get MMR vaccine (mandatory) to prevent birth defects
15. Resource allocation for Skill development of Divyangjan/PwD – 266 centers, 1.6 MN PwD skilled
List is long…purpose is to spread awareness, educate everyone with such historical, high impact actions, initiatives, policy, rules along with soft measures to mainstream 70 MN people with disabilities in India so it inspires us to participate in upcoming elections and ensure we help Divyangjan to reach to the polling booth and together, we achieve many more transformation goals in coming years.
Jai Hind!