Voice of SAP is a US based 501 (c)(3), non-profit
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Needs in the disability sector are enormous, the population is very large, opportunities are real with VOSAP to maximize your impact. Please donate generously!
We have enabled, helped thousands of Specially Abled People in India and look forward to expanding the impact exponentially with your generosity.
…$100 has changed a life with Assistive Devices (Tricycle, daisy player, hearing aids, smartphone etc.)
…$100 has provided vision to 3 people in India with surgical interventions
.…$100 has provided grocery, PPE kits to 10 families in India
…$200 can provide a robotic arm, self-employment kits, subsidy for power wheelchair and a lot more!
…donate us to strengthen our Advocacy efforts, scholarships, and employment training initiatives.
…Enable us to expand, scale up for rights of Persons with Disabilities by investing into VOSAP technology platform
Voice of SAP is a US based 501 (c)(3), non-profit organization. Tax ID: 47-5517948