VOSAP Enablement program with surgical interventions is helping people regain vision when possible. People can regain their vision with a surgery. 1,300 people so far are enabled with vision by surgical interventions executed by VOSAP partner Blind People’s association, India.


Mr. Chandrashekar is the resident of Gorakhpur and have Adherent leucoma and cataract in his right eye. He received multiple treatments in Gorakhpur, but was not satisfied.

He visited Porecha Eye Hospital, managed by Blind Peoples Association for the treatment.


Here the doctors could regain his vision by Optical Keratoplasty with Intra Ocular Lens Implantation.

He is going back to his city with smiling face to resume his work.


We wish him all the best for his future. Many many congratulations team Cornea department and Dr. Chatterjee for the humanitarian and in time effort.

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