Around the world, People with disabilities encounter multiple challenges. Apart from social stigmas, attitudes and ignorance, the most difficult challenge is to have an independent life and employment opportunity. In developing countries, 80% to 90% of persons with disabilities of working age are unemployed, whereas in industrialized countries the figure is between 50% and 70%. Their unemployment rate is much higher than that of the general population.
It’s high time that the inclusion of PwD in the workplace and corporate sector is addressed and that steps are taken to make sure PwD are hired and are given a chance to have an independent and dignified life.
- VOSAP has already been working to enable, empower Specially Abled People (PwD) to be self employed with self employment kits, promoting artists with disabilities to earn even from the US, earn living with assistive devices like tricycle being provided to them.
- In order to have inclusion of PwD in the corporate workplace, VOSAP has come up with a framework to help corporations devise their Disability and Inclusion (D&I) strategy that is comprehensive in nature and a useful matrix to start measuring.
Launch of VOSAP job portal is one more step towards achieving VOSAP goal of Empowering SAP with employment by corporate sector. VOSAP volunteers and partners like GTT, Sarthak, BPA are finding jobs for Specially Abled People and consolidating them at VOSAP job portal for SAP/PwD to find suitable career opportunity. Especially these days, huge commitment by leading corproates for Inclusive, diverse hiring practices which has created demand to employ Persons with Disablities in the IT sector, Retail sector and government sector too because of RPwD 2016 act that has reservation of jobs for SAP/PwD. Find jobs at www.voiceofsap.org/jobs
Reach out to us at jobs@voiceofsap.org with jobs you want PwD to perform.
Join our efforts to mainstream millions of Specially Abled People with jobs that they can perform and live independently.