Voice of the Specially Abled People (VOSAP) launched a one-of-a-kind virtual Exhibition of Assistive Technology Solutions at the Annual Event 2021 held virtually on December 4th. The platform aims to help people with disabilities, families by knowing more about assistive products in the market, at no cost for access to VOSAP exhibition and talk, do video calls directly with exhibitors in the VOSAP platform.
The annual event raised donations and a matching pledge of $317,000 to enable Divyangjan with Assistive Products. The one-of-its-kind exhibition will be open to the public round the year. The virtual event had over 2,000 participants registered from 27 countries and exhibitors of 4 countries.
In a letter to VOSAP founder Pranav Desai, Hon. Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi, congratulated VOSAP and wished success for the virtual exhibition. “This initiative of VOSAP to exhibit technology-based assistive solutions for Divyangjan (People with Disabilities) is commendable. The efforts of various stakeholders and institutions such as VOSAP are deeply valued.” the letter states.
The Honorable Minister of State for External Affairs, Govt. of India, Smt. Meenakshi Lekhi, presided over the event as the Chief Guest. “I believe the way to build an inclusive India for specially-abled people is through assistive technology. All those who are joining me in the conference, whether specially abled people, innovators, investors, vendors, NGOs, who want to take the message forward, work with VOSAP, take actions”
VOSAP Co-founder Pranav Desai further highlighted VOSAP’s work in enabling persons with disabilities through technology. “VOSAP is playing its role to bridge the gap between AT companies and large global markets to enable Divyangjan by providing a VOSAP Exhibition platform” he shared.
Mr. Chapal Khasnabis, Head (a.i) of Access to Assistive Technology – WHO. “I am absolutely elevated today as it is a dream come true to see this platform come alive. Thank you to VOSAP for realizing and building this global platform. This will create a lot of new opportunities for every entrepreneur, user, supporter and especially people like me who promote this sector. Thankful to VOSAP for organising this, this is just the beginning!
Mr. Prateek Madhav, co-founder, and CEO of the AssisTech Foundation (or ATF), also spoke about the “Trends in Assistive Technology Innovations, “emphasizing, “Over 1 billion people with disabilities represent USD 8 Trillion worth of Disposable Income. That’s equivalent to the 3rd largest economic power in the world. And yet, we see that the disability ecosystem is fragmented. VOSAP Exhibition platform will help the sector enormously”
During the event, Manu Shah, Chairman, MSI Surfaces announced that in addition to being the angel sponsor for the event, the MSI Charitable Trust will provide a matching fund upto USD 250,000 for anyone donating before December 15th.
World-renowned specially-abled singing sensation Sparsh Shah, performed live, hosted the event and mesmerized everyone.
Email us at : Contact@voiceofsap.org to learn more